Have you ever wanted to work in a hostel?

Posted by Andreas Raabe in Traveling 30 Jun 2015

I was really excited when I got a fb message from Andreas. I met him a year ago June when he was a guest at Room2Board.  Andreas was ready for a change of scenery and a new experience.  He had lots of great work experience and I knew he would be a great addition to our staff. Andreas arrived at Room2Board in May and began his stint at Room2Board as our Assistant General Manager and Marketing and Social Media Director.

Meet Andreas:

Where are you from:
Hamburg Germany

Skateboarding back in Germany.

Skateboarding back in Germany.

What were you doing before you came to Room2Board?
I was an account manager for a big advertising agency and managed sales promotion projects for ASUS Computer in Germany and Europe. Before that I basically did the same thing as a freelancer for different clients.

What made you decide to work at Room2Board?
I liked my job in Germany but had the feeling that it’s not quite the time to commit myself totally to the working life. Long working hours caused me to feel that I was somehow missing something in my life. I am a surfer and wanted to go somewhere where I could surf every day and be near the ocean. When I was traveling in Costa Rica last year I fell in love with it. I stayed in R2B a couple of times and figured that would be the perfect place to work. All the people are fun and I can surf almost every day

Tell me about a typical day of work at Room2Board.
Well a perfect day for me starts with an early morning surf session just before sunrise. I love to be out in the ocean when the sun comes up, the water is glassy and there are not many people. After surfing I need a good breakfast (R2B complete) and listen to some fun stories from what was going on last night.

Well at least if I didn’t participate in the story. 😉

Depending on the schedule work begins. That can be reception work, social media, invoicing, surf shop, bar or giving surf lessons. I really like the variation of the tasks. This way it doesn’t get boring. When I work at the reception I usually do some social media stuff as well or write some blogs when it’s slow.

At night it’s mostly hanging around with the staff and the guests and chilling. From time to time of course, we go out to party.


Hanging out with the b(r)os(s)


What is the best part of working at R2B?
Honestly, I like the fact that I don’t have too much responsibility here at the moment. Had enough of that back in Germany in my old job. Right now it’s perfect for the moment. Not too less and not too much. I get to surf a lot and I get to know so many funny and interesting people every day. It’s a really social job and I like that.

The feedback from the guests is awesome.

Now be truthful – what is the worst part of working at R2B?
As surfing in Jaco really depends on the tide, the working schedule doesn’t always fit my surfing schedule. So sometimes I don’t get to surf and that is always sort of a lost day for me. Once a week I have to do invoices and therefore have to be in the office. I prefer being outside instead. But that’s ok I guess. Even living in paradise demands some sacrifices if you can call them that 😉

Most essential items you brought with you to Costa Rica?
My surfboard, my Phone/Mp3 player and my sound box. I need music in my life.

What do you wish you left at home?
Half of my clothes. I really only need two pairs of board shorts and maybe five T-shirts. I didn’t bring a lot but the stuff I brought is too much. I like to travel light.

Anything you wish you brought with you?
Some more good shower gel. The one you can buy here sucks. And I think my good Axe shower gel was used by all of my roommates secretly (no offense guys;) ) so it was gone in one week.

What is the one thing you wish you knew before you came here?
Nothing really.  Maybe one thing but I think it’s my fault 😀  I didn’t think working 6 days a week would bother me. But sometimes it  makes it hard to do a trip to somewhere else and sometimes when the swell is right I would like to just make a trip to Pavones or Santa Teresa or elsewhere for a day or two.

What is your favorite bar in Jaco?
Probably Swell. It doesn’t always have to be Jaco Blue or Orange Pub. So swell is good for having a beer or two and play some Foosball.  (Watch for Andrea’s blog coming out next week on bars in Jaco)

What is your favorite restaurant in Jaco?
The R2B restaurant is great, but sometimes I have to try different food. I like the local Sodas like Marea Alta, Rustico or Isaga. At the moment I am still discovering different places to eat. I love to try different food and to explore a country in the culinary way.. Jaco has a lot to offer I think. Almost every day I discover a new little restaurant in a different corner.. love it!

What is your favorite activity to do during your free time?
Definitely surfing! That’s the reason I came here. and I just can’t get enough of it at the moment. I feel very blessed to be able to surf almost every day. And the water is so warm! For euroeans it’s something special to go in the water without a thick wetsuit..

I would also like to do some more skateboarding here but it’s just too hot for non-water sports.

Funniest experience?
Well I’ve only been here for a couple of month. But there is a lot of funny stuff happening. Funniest so far was probably the guy that past out in the downstairs bathroom with his board shorts down to his knees. Looked like a crime scene 😀

Adventures at Room2Board

Adventures at Room2Board

Any tours you highly recommend?
The Adrenaline Junkie Tour is awesome and I would totally recommend it to all of our guests. Isla Tortuga is awesome too. If you are into snorkeling you should definitely do this tour.

Favorite R2B meal?
Tuna steak! Try it!

It’s soooo good!

Getting to meet great people

Getting to meet great people

What advice would you give future R2B volunteers?
Have fun here! You’ll get to know a bunch of very nice people. But also make your way out of R2B and explore Jaco and the near by areas. There are various places to explore. And I personally like to get in touch with the locals so I just go out to watch the sunset at the beach and talk to people. The locals here are all very friendly and open. I really like that.

Try to breathe the Pura Vida lifestyle.


Pura Vida!

Just chilling

Just chilling Pura Vida!

Have you ever wanted to work in a hostel?

If so contact us and we can talk to you about future openings.

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