Room2Board Hostel and Surf School

Travel Blogging, Life After Working in a Hostel

Kevin trying to call home

Kevin trying to call home


Anyone who has visited Room2Board this past year has had the pleasure to meet Kevin.  He was instrumental in helping make Room2Board the place it is today.  He is now traveling Central and South America with the dream of travel blogging.  Here is the latest installment of his blog:  The Travel Stash.  Follow him to read about all his adventures.

Archipiélago de San Blas, Panama

So we wake up, and we’re completely surrounded by tiny islands of white sand and palm trees that are scattered around us as far as the eye can see.  It was hazy and cloudy in the morning but the water looked like glass. We eat breakfast and take the dinghy over to the island we were anchored near. We explored, found some big conch shells, snapped some cool photo’s, and then continued back to the boat to our next island hop for some snorkeling and free diving. The sun came out just in time to improve the underwater visibility for our underwater adventures.

Basically, over the course of the days that we spent in the islands that’s all we really did. We walked and explored, snorkeled reefs, ship wrecks, and coastlines. In the evenings we would use the hand-made hand-fishing lines and and we caught a few small fish. It was basically perfect.

The locals are known as the Kuna Indians, whom we encountered a few times while exploring some of the islands. They are quite little, and have a very indigenous appearance. They live in small thatch huts that we’re picturesque to see on the coast of the islands. While we we’re there, they seemed quite unimpressed with our presence, but remained calm and kind as we tried to sneak a peak into their lives and livelihoods. It’s hard to imagine an entire lifetime spent on islands no bigger than football fields.

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